Episode 10 - Dr. Michael Boyle - Executive Director, Andrew M. Greeley Center

This week, I interview Dr. Michael Boyle, Director of the Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education at Loyola University, Chicago. Mike speaks about his background in Catholic special education and the NCEA White Paper which he co-authored with Dr. Pamela Bernards from NCEA.  Mike elaborates on the systems and frameworks (from the national level to the school level) that are necessary to ensure successful special education programs, He also speaks about the certificate programs that are available from the Greely Center for administrators and schools.  For more information about the Andrew M. Greeley, please visit their website at http://www.luc.edu/gcce/index.shtml  or follow Mike on Twitter @MJBoyle3. If you would like more information on the NCEA White Paper: One Spirit One Body, please visit the website http://www.ncea.org/NCEA/Learn/Resource/Academic_Excellence/Expectional_Learners/Exceptional_Learners_White_Paper__One_Spirit__One_Body.aspx